Where to start when plotting a novel | The Editing Lounge | Shropshire | Shrewsbury | Oswestry

Where to start when plotting a novel

It’s arguable that the most important thing a novel should do is follow an arc of change. If nothing changes, do you really have a story? So, perhaps the first step to take when plotting your novel should be to decide, at the simplest level, what’s going to change. That’s easier said than done, but…

How to write a love triangle | The Editing Lounge

How to write a love triangle

Although readers love a well-written love triangle, writing one is easier said than done. Love triangles that aren’t carefully plotted often end up predictable and clichéd. But when well developed and carefully thought out, love triangles can be great, moving plot devices that strengthen your story. What is a love triangle? A love triangle is…

How to write sensory details | The Editing Lounge

How to write sensory details

When we include sensory details in our writing, we can evoke our readers’ senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. This is because painting a strong scene in your reader’s imagination helps them pull similar scenes from their own memories. Here, we’ll explore the science behind why evoking the senses can be so compelling…

What 'show don't tell' really means | The Editing Lounge

What ‘show don’t tell’ really means

Lots of editors are quick to tell writers ‘show, don’t tell’. But this advice has been given so many times that we often forget to explain what it really means. I’ll break down the concept here so you can make the most of this advice. In brief, ‘telling’ is explaining what’s happening. Meanwhile, ‘showing’ is…